Honestly, I have no idea about the name of this flower, its scientific name or the local name. But if you do, please don't forget to mention it on the comment section below.
We have a number of this flowers in the garden. It grows on bulbs and it's very easy to propagate.
When were younger, my sister would pick its flowers and put it on top of her nails. The petals look like artificial nails that are manicured.
When I woke up this morning, I was surprised to see a dragonfly inside my mosquito net. I went outside and released it to greet the morning sunshine! Rainy season has officially begun, I uttered.
I remember when I was in elementary, hundreds of dragonflies were flying around during our flag ceremony. We have to ignore them while singing the national anthem.It was a sight to behold. They were like helicopters scouting the area.
The dragonflies are harmless to humans. You won't feel any terror even if they swarm around your area. They are even helpful because they feed on mosquitoes and flies.
I went to the farm in Daga this morning and was very happy to see these two mushrooms. Unfortunately, these are not edible.
I remember when I was small, after a night of thunderstorms, me and my cousin would visit our Lolo's house and on our way we would look for mushrooms. Mushrooms are common after thunderstorms
and storms in general because of the humidity, most mushrooms need 80% humidity or higher to grow. 1
Source: 1. Wiki.answers.com